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Church Interior

Impression: Whistler Etchings Project
Whistler Etchings Project
Number: 427
Date: 1888/1894
Medium: unbitten; drawn with an etching needle through ground, which is partly removed
Size: 83 x 201 mm
Signed: butterfly at upper right
Inscribed: no
Set/Publication: no
No. of States: 1
Known impressions: 1
Catalogues: K.-; M.-; T.-; W.-
Impressions taken from this plate  (1)


The scene was drawn with an etching needle on a plate prepared with an acid resistant ground, but it was not bitten; the lightly drawn, unetched lines are very fine and the composition is hard to make out.


The ground was partly removed from the unetched plate at some time between 1935 and 1965 and the plate was printed, very inexpertly, in black ink on off-white wove paper. It was printed with surface tone at left, and wiped clean at right, unfortunately without clearly revealing the admittedly faint lines of the unfinished composition.