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Church Interior

Impression: Whistler Etchings Project
Whistler Etchings Project
Number: 427
Date: 1888/1894
Medium: unbitten; drawn with an etching needle through ground, which is partly removed
Size: 83 x 201 mm
Signed: butterfly at upper right
Inscribed: no
Set/Publication: no
No. of States: 1
Known impressions: 1
Catalogues: K.-; M.-; T.-; W.-
Impressions taken from this plate  (1)
Etching: PE40_01 (plate)
The copper plate bears the maker's oval stamp: 'C. SERVANT / PLANEUR / 45, B DES GDS AUGUSTINS'. This stamp is found on only a few plates, dating from between 1888 and 1901, namely A building with an arched window [476], Sunflowers, Marché St Germain, Paris [437], Polichinelle, Jardin du Luxembourg [467], The Band, Luxembourg Gardens [466], Under the Statue, Luxembourg Gardens [464], Confections pour Dames [475], Antony's Print Shop, Rue de Seine [477], Arched doorway with figures and a tree [489], Mme Pelletier, Blanchisserie, Paris [481], Boulevard Poissonière, Paris [483], Café Corazza, Paris [484], Sleeping Child, Ajaccio [488], Flaming Forge [490].
Church Interior is by far the smallest of these plates, and is actually close in size to several unstamped plates showing Paris subjects -- Marchand de Vin, Paris [438], Newspaper-Stall, Rue de Seine [474] and The Pantheon from the Terrace, Luxembourg Gardens [473] - which may date from slightly later. These plates are not available for comparison, but it is possible they were also acquired from Servant.
The copper plate was in Whistler's studio at his death in 1903, and was given by Rosalind Birnie Philip (1873-1958) to the University of Glasgow in 1935. The acid resistant ground was partially removed at some time between 1935 and 1965 and an unsuccesful attempt was made to print from the unetched plate. The remaining ground was scratched and doodled on by some unknown person (s), who presumably did not realise that they were damaging the remaining traces of Whistler's work. 'Katy', 'MY OH MY' and ;YO! DUD' are among these graffiti.