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Impression: Whistler Etchings Project
Whistler Etchings Project
Number: 380
Date: 1888/1889
Medium: etching
Size: 241 x 165 mm
Signed: butterfly at upper right
Inscribed: no
Set/Publication: no
No. of States: 1
Known impressions: 1
Catalogues: K.-; M.-; T.-; W.-
Impressions taken from this plate  (1)


One state, known only from the cancelled plate.

State 1 (cancelled)

Impression: E110201
Signed with a butterfly at upper left, to left of the window.

Cancelled with one diagonal line.

No impression from the cancelled plate is known. This is a digital image based on the copper plate. 2

2: A scan of the copper plate was flipped horizontally, converted to greyscale, and colour inverted, with enhanced contrast.