Etchings         Institutions search term: obach

Murano - Glass Furnace

Impression: Freer Gallery of Art
Freer Gallery of Art
Number: 205
Date: 1879/1880
Medium: drypoint
Size: 161 x 238 mm
Signed: no
Inscribed: no
Set/Publication: no
No. of States: 4
Known impressions: 7
Catalogues: K.217; M.214; W.187
Impressions taken from this plate  (7)


Four states are known before cancellation.

State 1

Impression: K2170103
There is no signature or inscription.

State 2

Impression: K2170202
Diagonal shading is added above the lower door and windows, on the back wall at left, and to right of the upper right windows; the lower door and windows and the wall to right of them are more clearly defined with vertical lines; the heads of the central and right figures on the left are more completely delineated; small patches of shading are added to the wall behind the central figure and to that figure's upper torso; the head, arms and upper body of the man directly to left of the furnace are clearly defined, and there is diagonal shading behind his shoulder; the outlines of the head and ear of the man seated in front of the furnace are changed.

State 3

Impression: K2170302
Heavier cross-hatching is added to the back and right walls; a few small patches of diagonal and vertical shading are added to the left wall; many glazing bars on the windows in the back wall are redefined; more diagonal shading is added behind the man directly to left of the furnace, which is further defined with vertical lines and diagonal shading; the head of the man seated in front of the furnace is shaded at the back, and there are two prominent vertical lines below him; hair is added to the head of the seated figure at right, and there is more diagonal shading on and around that figure's arms and face.

State 4

Impression: K2170402
The walls are more heavily shaded, and lines now extend to the top of the image at the centre.

State 4 (cancelled)

Etching: PS_K217_01 (plate)
Cancelled with one diagonal line.

No impression from the cancelled plate is known. This is a digital image based on the copper plate. 10

10: A scan of the copper plate was flipped horizontally, converted to greyscale, and colour inverted, with enhanced contrast.