Etchings         Institutions search term: copley society

Jo's Bent Head

Impression: Freer Gallery of Art
Freer Gallery of Art
Number: 88
Date: 1861
Medium: drypoint
Size: 226 x 152 mm
Signed: no
Inscribed: no
Set/Publication: no
No. of States: 3
Known impressions: 25
Catalogues: K.78; M.78
Impressions taken from this plate  (25)


Three states are known.

State 1

Impression: K0780102
There is no signature or inscription.
Kennedy described the impression reproduced above as having 'heavy effect of ink left on the plate'. 5

5: Kennedy 1910 (cat. no. 78).

State 2

Impression: K0780215
Three light slanting lines are added to the hem of the skirt at lower right.

State 3

Impression: K0780204
Foul biting at upper right and on the skirt at right has been partly removed.
The plate shows signs of corrosion and scratches, sometimes disguised by ink tone, as in the impression reproduced. These appear to have been removed, or printed so that they are less visible, as in the impression shown below.
Impression: K0780302