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Polichinelle, Jardin du Luxembourg

Impression: Hunterian Art Gallery
Hunterian Art Gallery
Number: 467
Date: 1892/1894
Medium: etching
Size: 122 x 161 mm
Signed: butterfly at lower right
Inscribed: no
Set/Publication: no
No. of States: 1
Known impressions: 2
Catalogues: K.430; M.424
Impressions taken from this plate  (2)
Polichinelle, Jardin du Luxembourg dates from between 1892 and 1894.
It was drawn in Paris, where Whistler acquired a house at 110 rue du Bac in the spring of 1892. He was frequently in Paris from 1892-1894. It shows trees in full leaf, so must date from between the spring and autumn.
Joseph Pennell (1860-1926) was helping Whistler to print his etchings during the summer of 1893: '... [Whistler] wanted J. to help with his printing he was biting and printing the last Paris plates which no one had seen. ... For weeks in the summer of 1893, either at the printing press in the Rue Notre-Dame-des-Champs or at the Rue du Bac, J. was with Whistler almost daily.' 1

1: Pennell 1921C , p. 12.

Whistler's first etchings of the Luxembourg Gardens date from 1889 or 1890 (see Little Terrace, Luxembourg Gardens [443]), and he was working there on a lithograph, The Terrace, Luxembourg [c087], as late as July 1894. 2

2: Whistler to T. R. Way, [19 July 1894], GUW #03376.