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The Model

Impression: Freer Gallery of Art
Freer Gallery of Art
Number: 248
Date: 1883/1885
Medium: mezzotint
Size: 253 x 178 mm
Signed: no
Inscribed: no
Set/Publication: no
No. of States: 1
Known impressions: 4
Catalogues: K.346; M.344
Impressions taken from this plate  (4)


The Model was not published.


The only known exhibition of The Model was in 1900 at the show organised by the Caxton Club in Chicago to which Charles Lang Freer (1856-1919) lent the sole known lifetime impression (Graphic with a link to impression #K3460102). 9

9: Chicago 1900 (cat. no. 253).


Whistler did record a 'mezzotinto', in his studio in 1889, which may well have been the one known impression. 10

Charles Lang Freer (1856-1919) bought this unique lifetime impression from Max Williams & Co. in 1893 (Graphic with a link to impression #K3460102).

10: J. Whistler, list, 18 July 1889, #13235.

The copper plate was in Whistler's studio at his death and was bequeathed to Rosalind Birnie Philip (1873-1958), who gave it to the University of Glasgow in 1935. At least two impressions were printed about 1969 for the Hunterian Art Gallery (Graphic with a link to impression #K3460103, Graphic with a link to impression #K3460104).