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Impression: Art Institute of Chicago
Art Institute of Chicago
Number: 240
Date: 1880
Medium: etching and drypoint
Size: 127 x 177 mm
Signed: butterfly at lower left, faint butterfly upper left
Inscribed: no
Set/Publication: 'Second Venice Set', 1886
No. of States: 9
Known impressions: 29
Catalogues: K.233; M.230; W.162
Impressions taken from this plate  (29)
The copper plate has no maker's mark. It is close in size to another unmarked plate of the same date, Little Court [244], and to several later plates including After the Sale, Clothes Exchange, Houndsditch [357] and Gray's Inn Place [281], both dated 1887.
It was published by Messrs Dowdeswell and Thibaudeau with A Set of Twenty-six Etchings (the 'Second Venice Set') in 1886. It was cancelled with irregular crossed diagonal lines.

The plate is now in the Art Institute of Chicago. 4

4: Acc. No. 1933.693.