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Mrs Leyland, Sr.

Impression: Freer Gallery of Art
Freer Gallery of Art
Number: 123
Date: 1874/1875
Medium: drypoint
Size: 229 x 153 mm
Signed: butterfly at lower right
Inscribed: no
Set/Publication: 'Cancelled Plates', 1879
No. of States: 3
Known impressions: 19
Catalogues: K.103; M.104; W.227
Impressions taken from this plate  (19)


Three states are known before cancellation.

State 1

Impression: K1030102
Signed with a butterfly at lower right.
The lines of shading above and to the left of the head are vertical.

State 2

Impression: K1030202
Diagonal lines running from left to right (\\\), are added to left of the woman's head; vertical and diagonal lines extend the shadows to right of her head; the outlines and shading on the face have been softened.
Retroussage was used in printing this impression, which blurs details, particularly on the face and cap.

State 3

Impression: K1030301
The trimming on the bonnet at upper right has been rubbed down and redrawn, with additional vertical shading; the face is reworked; short, light lines alter the shading and hair on her forehead; the chin and collar are redrawn; slanting lines are added at left, in the background, and vertical and diagonal lines at the top of the plate.

State 3 (cancelled)

Impression: K1030407
Cancelled with light crossed diagonal and zigzag lines across the head and shoulders.