Albert W. Scholle, 1860-1917
Nationality: American
Date of Birth: 1860
Albert W. Scholle (d. ca 1910) was a New York banker and collector of prints.
Scholle, of the bank Scholle Brothers, was a significant collector of old master and modern prints. Scholle's black ink pentagon stamp appears on a number of Whistler's etchings including K0220102, K0220204, K0460z12, K0550214, K0630z01, K0760104, K0760105, K0920z06, K1140502, K1400102, K1540108, K1540202, K1670505, K1770304, K2050z04, K4060306, K4070103 and K4080106. Many came from the Bernard Buchanan MacGeorge collection and some from the Royal Collection at Windsor. Whistler etchings from Scholle's collection were acquired by important collectors including Howard Mansfield, Harris G. Whittemore, Charles Cunningham and Lessing Julius Rosenwald, attesting to the collection's quality. See also K0190401, K0220101, K0550201, K0610301, K0760101, K0920z06, K1140501, K1400101, K1740701, K194060, K1960601, K2040501, K2130201, K2190301, K4080101, K4100401 and K4130201.
Kennedy, E. G., The Etched Work of Whistler, New York, 1910; Lugt, Frits, Les marques de collections de dessins et d'estampes: marques estampillèes et écrites de collections particulières et publiques; marques de marchands, de monteurs et d'imprimeurs; etc..., Amsterdam, 1921 (2923a).