Alfred Cadart, 1828-1875
Nationality: French
Date of Birth: 1828
Cadart was a French engraver and publisher of prints, periodicals and works on etching.
Cadart was a prime mover in establishing the Soci ét é des Aquafortistes in the 1860s. In 1862, the 'Soci ét é des Aquafortiste' was founded by Auguste Delâtre and Cadart. Membership was by invitation only and a list of proposed artists was drawn up by Cadart; the artists had to submit a piece of work to the five-member jury.
Cadart had a shop in the rue de Richelieu which provided etching facilities and an exhibition gallery. He exhibited paintings, for example by Boudin, Manet and Morisot. His wife continued the business but it failed in 1881.
Bailly-Herzberg, J., L'Eau-forte de peintre au XIXe siècle: la Société des Aquafortistes (1862-67), Paris, 1972, 2 vols.; Monneret, S., L'Impressionisme et son époque, Paris, 1978-79.