Etchings         Institutions search term: hughes kimber


Impression: Freer Gallery of Art
Freer Gallery of Art
Number: 111
Date: 1873/1874
Medium: drypoint
Size: 127 x 77 mm
Signed: no
Inscribed: no
Set/Publication: no
No. of States: 1
Known impressions: 2
Catalogues: K.119; M.119; W.105
Impressions taken from this plate  (2)
Resting probably dates from 1874.
On 5 May 1874 Whistler wrote from 2 Lindsey Houses in Chelsea to Ralph Thomas, Jr (1840-1876):
'You know how great a prisoner I am just now with my work and so I am going to ... ask you to help me ... I want a small plate ready prepared for my new etching - will you get me one - and your brother Percy might prepare it - or Delâtre will - ... and perhaps I had better have two - about the size of quarter of this sheet of paper - that is half this page - No that is too large - the size of the envelope - will do exactly ... And can your brother perhaps manage it for me by tomorrow' . 1

1: [5 May 1874], GUW #13681.

The printer's assistants suggested by Whistler were Percy Thomas (1846-1922), and Auguste Delâtre (1822-1907). The size indicated would be about 127 x 75 mm. Reading a Book [112], Tatting [130], The Muff [131] and Resting are all close to this size.
This document, and the similarity in size and subjects between Resting and the other small drypoints, helps to confirm the date.