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Impressions belonging to: Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery - 21 records found

27.  La Vieille aux Loques (1858)
Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery (P113'45)
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37.  Reading by Lamplight (1859)
Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery (55'72)
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46.  Thames Warehouses (1859)
Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery (562'04)
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50.  Eagle Wharf (1859)
Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery (564'04)
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53.  Thames Police (1859)
Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery (566'04)
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54.  Black Lion Wharf (1859)
Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery (565'04)
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55.  The Lime-Burner (1859)
Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery (596'04)
see full record

62.  J. Becquet, Sculptor (1859)
Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery (569'04)
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70.  Rotherhithe (1860)
Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery (P107'45)
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70.  Rotherhithe (1860)
Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery (597'04)
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76.  Old Hungerford Bridge (1861)
Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery (567'04)
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78.  Millbank (1861)
Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery (599'04)
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86.  The Forge (1861)
Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery (83'55)
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86.  The Forge (1861)
Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery (598'04)
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95.  Battersea Dawn (Cadogan Pier) (1863)
Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery (563'04)
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109.  Draped Model (1873/1874)
Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery (39'72)
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182.  The 'Adam and Eve', Old Chelsea (1878)
Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery (568'04)
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185.  Old Putney Bridge (1879)
Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery (559'04)
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223.  The Palaces (1879/1880)
Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery (P35'72)
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233.  The Traghetto, No. 2 (1880)
Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery (P49'54)
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450.  The Pierrot (1889)
Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery (P36'72)
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see full record